Saturday, August 28, 2010

Josy Flo. Ethical and Practical!

Just as I had finished my Emma Watson & People Tree post I logged into Twitter to find a lovely lady named Joanna (or Josy) Spooner was following me! I always check out my followers to see who they are and the like. After clicking on her profile (LINK:@JosyFlo_Belts) I found that she herself was a designer! A belts designer. Not only did she make practical and pretty bum bags and money bags but they were all made by an ethical group! Well, well, well! How very interesting! So I emailed her and asked if I could write a post about her and here I am!

The range is named JosyFlo and was originally created by Josy Spooner. She always had a love for fashion and started working on leather handmade belts and accessories. All of these were inspired by the pocket belts worn by travellers and festival goers that she had seen all around the world!
From this she then went on to creating bespoke belts to a range of clients including Jamie Oliver! Which come on is pretty awesome.

With her love of fashion she decided to focus more on the many different changes in lifestyle and how we all now take a new and improved view to safety. Bum bags and pockets belts have been around for many a year but no-one really wanted to use them as well they are a bit minging, tbh.
So she came up with these beauties and boy am I impressed! (The prices range from £15.00 to £50.00, but well worth it!)

The best part is who the belts are made by! They are made by Bhopal Rehabilitation which is an NGO group which has been set up to help people who were affected by the Bhopal gas tragedy which was an industrial disaster that took place at a Union Carbide pesticide plant in the Indian city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. At midnight on 3 December 1984, the plant released an estimated 42 tonnes of toxic methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, exposing more than 500,000 people to MIC and other chemicals. The Bhopal disaster is frequently cited as the world's worst industrial disaster with over 25,000 people having died since from gas related diseases.
This organisation operates under the Fair Trade banner which means that they must adhere to a strict set of standards which are closely monitored.

LINK: Bhopal Rehabilitation
LINK: Ethical Trading
LINK: Fairtrade


  1. Hey Sophie, Thanks for this. I just noticed it now. What a lovely surprise. Great blog. I look forward to reading more. Josy xx

  2. Hey Sophie, Thanks for this. I have just seen it. What a lovely surprise. Great blog. I look forward to reading more :-)


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