Sunday, June 27, 2010

Would you believe?!

I have just finished watching Gok Wan's Fashion Fix (Sundays are generally my catch up on any lost tv day) and I was suddenly intrigued to where his co-host Brix Smith-Start came from, what was her background etc.
So ofc, google being the god it is has told me she used a part in the Post-Punk movement!
Would you believe?! That the little prim, ever so slightly OTT,
Brix used to be a punk!
And in the Fall!
I know, I know hard to believe but looksies!
(Great shot of a guys bald spot toooo!)
But yes, this blew my mind! As well as the Fall she also was the lead singer of The Adult Net! (Not my kinda thing but still!)
What a liffffffe! Kinda talented, slightly annoying, and rich! I would like this minus the annoying part, blates.

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